07 Feb

It’s Good to be Back…

I’m finally back to blogging!
It feels really good to get back on the blog after close to 2 years, but I can finally focus again on blogging after I earned my MBA! So no, I didn’t quit on this thing. I didn’t get discouraged. And I didn’t get lazy. I realized at that time in 2012, I would have to sacrifice something in order to accomplish my goals. Unfortunately, that is what led to my decision to put my blog on hiatus.
And during those 3 years of grad school, I sacrificed a lot. I lost out on time with my friends and family. Grad school was also expensive! Even with using my employer’s tuition assistance program, I personally spent over $40k on my MBA! Countless hours of sleep and free time were instead devoted to the pursuit of my degree. And of course, my blogging activity fell off a cliff. But now, that is all behind me. I don’t have to worry about classes, studying, or homework. Papers are a thing of the past! I can finally focus on the things I WANT to do!
So, what’s next? What do I do with my newfound time?
Well, for starters, I’m going to reboot my blog! I’ve really missed the feeling of inspiration and motivation that comes from blogging. I truly feel it’s had a positive effect on my attitude towards success and given me a mouthpiece to motivate others. I have some really fun, interesting, and interactive ideas for this site that I know will unlock the potential I see in it. There is just too much inside of me to keep to myself, so I HAVE to keep this thing going!
And I can’t wait to share with you all what I’ve been able to accomplish in my time away… STAY TUNED!