13 Jun

Getting out of The Funk

We’ve all found ourselves in a state of unproductive brainy lethargy, best described as The Funk. It’s a deep feeling that not only changes what you do but how you feel about it. Sometimes The Funk sneaks up on you but once you’re in it, you can really start to feel it. The lack of motivation to pursue anything remotely productive. The siren call of the couch pulling you into a Netflix marathon with no known end (that’s the beauty of the binge-watch–it just keeps going and going. It’s frustrating and difficult. You think getting out of The Funk should be easy but when you’re really in that feeling, it’s more like you’ve got cement in your shoes and can’t take another step.


The Funk is also known to strike at the worst possible time–say, right before a big project needs to be completed or when finals are coming up. I found The Funk earlier this year at a rather inopportune moment–work projects were happening, I was pushing to meet new business goals, and busting my hump to get my newest project off the ground. Since life has a sense of humor, things started to pile up around me. I was still adjusting to fatherhood, which changes with each passing week as my son gets a little older. My wife was recovering from surgery, which added to my parental duties. Then, hurricane summer hit. A lot of my family was affected. We were able to open our home to them and give them what they need, which was a blessing for everyone. But having unplanned guests for an extended period was bound to throw off my productivity. And on top of all of that, I found out one of my beloved aunts has Stage 4 lung cancer.


With all of that piled on, I settled right into the funk. You’d think having new stressors would energize you and push you forward. Usually, it ends up being the opposite. It’s not just the stress of having too much to do but also the emotional baggage of balancing so many different needs and obstacles. It left me feeling like I couldn’t move forward. But I knew that I had to break myself out of it and end the unproductive cycle. Getting out of The Funk was going to be hard but I was tired of just doing the bare minimum.


Fortunately, I’d already gathered a lot of information about getting out of The Funk–there are dozens of ways, some more effective than others. I put some of my favorites to the test and pushed myself forward.


To build this productivity guide,  I interviewed people at the top of their field and folks who are crushing it in different ways around the country. I’ve managed to boil down their advice to the best 35 strategies for getting out of The Funk and back into your productive zone. Pre-order now to get half off before the launch in January. It also guarantees you bonus content and other fun extras. Click here to get motivated!
