Life is full of pain.
As humans, we love people, care about our world, and set expectations for ourselves and others. When we’re disappointed in any of these things, it hurts. Painful moments bring out our best qualities—like
If I asked you to tell me a popular saying about quitting, I’d bet my bottom dollar you would immediately bring up a quote about why quitting is wrong. The American adage “Winners never quit and quitters never win” is almost
We’re always seeking approval from others. How we’re going to be perceived influences all the little decisions we make. When you get dressed in the morning or start a presentation, it feels impossible not to wonder what’s going through
We’ve all been there: We’re out with our friends, and you’re recounting an awesome anecdote, full of vivid details and subplots. 15 minutes into the story, you think you are crushing it and everyone is having a great
It’s hard to sustain real optimism on a day-to-day basis without putting in the effort. There’s negativity everywhere out in the world. Resisting it requires a solid toolkit of strategies to promote your own happiness and help bring joy