03 Jan

The 30-Day Visualization Challenge

The masters of success, the group of individuals I call Limitless in my book Possess Your Success, often utilize what seems to be the greatest mind trick of all time to achieve their goals consistently.

That trick is visualization, and I want to challenge you to 30-Days of visualization to help you CRUSH your goals this year. However, I’ll first demystify exactly what visualization is, why it’s useful (and not just woo-woo) and share how to implement it in your daily routine.

Visualization occurs when you not only think of the results of your actions, but you vividly experience the results in your mind.

It is essentially the mental preparation for a given task and is to be used as a supplement to (and in some cases, in lieu of) actual physical practice.

You see, there are three main reasons why visualization can improve your chances of success.

1. Perfect Simulation. In your mind, you can simulate the correct method of performance. Ever heard of the phrase, “Perfect practice makes perfect”? Visualizing and rehearsing the steps in your head creates a way to achieve that “perfect practice.”

2. Almost like the real thing! Your brain begins to make significant neurological connections similar to what takes place during actual practice. This helps you to remember what you have mentally rehearsed when it becomes time to implement.

3. Confidence Booster. When you mentally visualize the scenario, you not only see yourself taking the steps required to succeed, but you are also visualizing the result. Repeatedly visualizing your success makes you more comfortable with the overall process and more confident in your abilities to perform successfully when it counts.


Don’t Get Caught Up in the Woo-Woo

Many are rightfully skeptical that Visualization is an effective way to increase performance; it can be seen as simply positive thinking with no real practical use. However, visualization is more than just thinking happy thoughts. It combines positive outcomes with positive processes to continue practicing even when no physical action is being taken.

Think of visualization like being in the Danger Room in X-Men, one of my favorite Marvel comics. To prepare for battle, Professor X would send the heroes into the Danger Room where they would experience all kinds of combat scenarios in a quasi-virtual-reality arena. Everything looked and felt almost completely real, and it gave the X-Men a chance to perfect their abilities before the real battles began.

I challenge you to use your mind as the Danger Room using visualization.


How to Visualize Your Success

To properly utilize visualization, I put together this immensely helpful video to give you what you need. Simply enter your e-mail address to get started.

Click Here to Visualize Your Success

And that’s how you do it!

The 30-Day Visualization Challenge

If you want to incorporate this into your life and experience immediate phenomenal results in your life this year, take my 30-Day Visualization Challenge. I charge you to spend just 15 minutes per day for the next 30 days on visualizing your success using the method outlined in the video above.

You can break it up in 3 5-minute increments throughout the day, or do it all at once in the morning. However, just 15 minutes per day will instill a tremendous habit that will get you tangible results.

After that, you can choose to keep going or slow it down to 5 minutes per day in the morning.

Should you accept, click here to sign up and I’ll help you stay accountable throughout your 30 days!

It is easy to say you are busy, but do not let your schedule discourage you from finding time to visualize. It is perfectly acceptable to visualize on your break at work or during your commute (if you’re not driving). I personally visualize while I am taking a shower or shaving. The key is to incorporate extra mental reps to supplement your actual attempts at success.

30 days: do you have it in you?
