19 Dec

5 Things I Learned during the Fall 2011 Semester

So… the Fall 2011 semester finally ended last week…  Now what?

I’d like to take the time to reflect on 5 main improvements I made and lessons I learned during this trying and chaotic season. Looking back helps me identify key takeaways and provides insight into how you can gain from my experience. Here’s what I learned:

1. Survival Skills. I have been through some pretty hectic and demanding times in my life, but this semester by far was the most difficult. But I learned some things about how to persevere when things get rough. For instance, I had to take things day by day, while only looking two weeks ahead at the most so that I didn’t get overwhelmed. And when I wanted to give in, I had to remember who I was, how I got here, and where I’m going. It was those types of motivational techniques that got me through the past few months.

2. Time Management. I was pretty good at managing my time before, so I figured I would have a leg up on this one. Boy, was I wrong. This semester called for a whole new level of time management. There was little time for breaks and I barely had time to eat at times. Slacking off was not an option, and at times I was studying when I should have been working and working when I should have been studying… bleh! What a mess! But I learned quickly that in order to make my due dates and deadlines, I would have to stay organized, make use of my phone calendar, and plan my time strategically. That alone at least relieved some of the stress of the semester.

3. Study Habits. I’ll be honest… I was never a good studier! Throughout my life, I was the kid that just “got it”, and if not just “got by”. While most would look at that with envy and disdain, it actually put me at a disadvantage come college time. While people already patented their studying techniques I was still developing mine.

However this semester I had to sink or swim. I was forced to study in large blocks of time vs. breaking it up into small chunks over time. I had to study when I didn’t want to, or after I already studied. But I started studying better, and faster too. Pretty soon I was reading and comprehending much faster and pumping out papers with ease. I still may not be the best studier, but at least I’m improving!

4. Stress Limits. My stress limits were really put to the test. I’d like to say I never doubted myself, but in the beginning, I really questioned whether or not I could really deal with the classes I was taking and the work load my employer put on me. Combine those with my various church commitments and class group meetings and it seemed like a recipe for disaster.

Every week was a constant challenge and I barely made it through, but I now know how much I can handle before it takes a toll on my psyche. Towards the end, I did feel myself burning out but fortunately, I had enough gas left in the tank to finish off strong. Like I’ve said before, you can’t have the testimony without the test… and I’m pleased to announce I passed!

5. Support Circle. I cannot express to you how appreciative I am to have the family and friends behind me to cheer me on. There were plenty of times I–yes, even I–wanted to quit. However, I can’t write a Success blog and then just give up on things when they get too difficult! Success is all about rising above adversity, and I did not want to let down those who kept me going.

So to my mom, dad, girlfriend, family, friends, and loyal followers–Thank You for every Facebook post, text message, phone call, and encouraging word you gave me when I was losing my motivation this semester. I undoubtedly learned how valuable it is to have such a caring support circle, as some do not have that luxury.

These were the 5 most important things that I took away from the past 3 months or so. It was a long journey, but I’m glad to finally put it behind me and move on. It definitely built up my faith and confidence so I will be able to handle the next challenge that comes my way.

But for now, it’s time to enjoy my well-deserved vacation!

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