12 Dec

Essential Force 2: Ambition

A few posts ago I began talking about the 5 Essential Forces of Success: Ambition, Preparation, Motivation, Passion, and Faith. I then began discussing Drive in detail, and in picking up where I left off, I’d like to discuss the second Essential Force of Success: Ambition.

Definition (from Dictionary.com): an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment.

As I stated before, ambition is what separates the Talkers from the Doers. Anything worth it in life requires ambition.  It’s that ambition that gets you off the couch and into a business plan. It’s ambition that will make you see yourself as more than who you currently are. It’s nothing but pure ambition that makes you take a bet on yourself that doubt says was stupid, reckless, or doomed for failure.

From my personal experience, I have seen a tremendous amount of ambition in my girlfriend lately. She has all the talent and potential in the world, but when I first met her, she seemed to lack self-confidence and often quit things before she really got started. Now, thanks to God, encouragement, support, and belief in herself, she has begun to set goals for herself. She’s working hard to achieve them. And most importantly, I can see some resolve in her. She’s even set the arduous goal of writing a novel! She still has a ways to go, but the year-over-year improvement in her is nothing short of shocking. With her new-found ambition, even a book is an achievable target.

Needless to say, no goal is achievable without ambition. They are both inseparable and interdependent. A goal and a dream without it are just that; a goal a dream. It takes action on your part for them to materialize to success. Now that I’ve hammered point that into your minds… GET STARTED! What’s a goal that you want to achieve? How long have you been putting it off? Use this as your moment to develop a S.M.A.R.T. goal. It just takes some initiative, and you’ll be glad you did.

Success is only a promising dream away. Make it reality.

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