28 Feb

What Grant Cardone Taught Me about Taking MASSIVE Action This Year

What do you want to achieve this year?

If you want to do anything of substance, you need to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.

You must go big or go home! Do something big and scary… something that makes your knees weak just thinking about it.

Something like that is a great way to experience 10X success, something Grant Cardone talks about in his book, The 10X Rule.

This guy went from being a strung-out nobody to the owner of a television network, a business empire, and several best-selling books, so he knows what he’s talking about.

I love this 10X principle because it fits so well with my Limitless Success Method: to Think It, Speak It, and Do It. Want to achieve 10X the results of last year? You need to 10x your thoughts, your words, and your actions to 10x your results this year.

Another thing I love about his methodology is the absolute conviction you must have toward your success. We all have a duty, obligation, and responsibility to achieve success! You must do your part to enhance the world in some way, to use your talents to help others. Anything else is simply selfish.

That’s exactly how societies thrive and flourish. It’s because of the contributions of many that we see progress. In order to do that, however, you must take massive action to get there.

Not sure where to start? Try my FREE 30-Day Challenge to get you focused on the goals you want to achieve this year!

Think about it this way: You could be the next millionaire… or even billionaire! If that’s not your desire, your services could be helping the next Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, etc.

You have to hold yourself accountable to that. Don’t hold back.

Of course, taking massive action can be a VERY scary experience. It causes you to step way outside your comfort zone, and there is a larger potential for failure. In fact, you SHOULD be scared when you prepare yourself for massive action!

However, don’t wait until your perfectly prepared: done is better than perfect. This is because things will never be perfect. There is no right time to launch your product or service. There will always be something you can improve.

Whatever you’re working on, get it out to the world, or risk becoming nothing but a talker.

Thus, start with big, scary goals! Then, bust your butt to get it done.

Remember: this is YOUR life. What legacy do you want to leave?

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