09 Aug

How To Overcome Nervousness


None of us are strangers to experiencing the uneasy feeling of nervousness; it’s something that we all deal with.

That nagging feeling that leaves you unable to think straight and makes you feel like your stomach is doing cartwheels is the jitters creeping into your normally calm and peaceful world. Whether you’re standing out on stage in front of 1 or 100 people or having a tough conversation with a loved one, nervousness is something that we all have to figure out how to overcome.


Nervousness Vs. Stress

It’s important to know the difference between stress and simply having a case of the butterflies. Nervousness wakes us up and makes us more attentive for a given task. It’s what gets the adrenaline pumping and helps us  become more focused.

Stress (in the negative sense) on the other hand happens when you are overwhelmed by or underprepared for a situation. Nervousness can help us, while stress usually hurts us.


How do we deal with nervousness and still perform well?

Acceptance: The first step in dealing with those butterflies is acceptance. Nervousness means that we care, and that is okay. Accept the fact that you will be nervous and instead get excited about the task at hand.

Preparation: Stress happens to those who are unprepared. Put a plan in place, do your homework, be ready for the moment and it will bring down your nerves a lot. Always remember to stay calm under pressure.

Focus on Them, Not You: When you’re nervous it’s more likely that you are worried you won’t do a good job or will disappoint someone. This in turn is caused by an introspective focus. Instead of asking, “how can I do a good job”, ask “how can I be more helpful?” Doing so will shift the spotlight from you onto others, almost immediately relieving the nervousness and helping you become more focused.

Visualize the Performance and End Result: Imagine the details of a successful result. Think about all the hard work that you’ve done to get there and visualize yourself being successful when it comes time to show and prove.

Honestly speaking, nervousness is something that won’t ever go away completely, and that’s not a bad thing. When handled correctly it can force us to become better and seek solutions that can ultimately make our tasks easier.

What are some of the steps that you use to overcome the feeling of nervousness?
