19 Dec

To the Fathers…

Being that today is Father’s Day, I thought it would be best to devote a post to all the fathers out there to honor and salute them. It’s important that we take the time to appreciate the good fathers in our lives who continually guide us, love us, and make us who we are.

First, we need to recognize that fathers are a necessary and vital part of our growth and development. I think fathers a lot of the time get forgotten about because of the bad rap they have as men. Unfortunately, the fathers that are either absent or are negative examples in their children’s lives ruin it for the good fathers. Many women today, in fact, feel that they don’t even need men in their lives or their children’s lives because of these negative experiences with fathers.

However, I am here to tell you firsthand how important a father figure is in a child’s life, especially for the boys. Children need both parents equally as role models. The girls need a father to show them how a man should treat a woman, and the qualities of a good man a woman should be looking for. As for the boys, I remember hearing the saying that “it takes a Man to show a Man how to be a Man.” Boys need their fathers in their lives as role models, someone to mold them and shape them into true men. Without fathers, us sons and daughters are in danger of being lost.

The father in my life has given me plenty of advice over the past several years. He’s been there to hear my ideas and guide me in the right direction. He is the main reason why I even have a financial strategy in place for my future. His knowledge and experience has directly benefited me tenfold. I am lucky to simply have a father in my life, much less him. He isn’t perfect, but I know he loves and cares for me.

So, for all the fathers out there, including my own, I want you to know I appreciate you. I honor you on Father’s Day, and you deserve a day set aside to yourselves to be celebrated for all of your hard work. Keep providing a light for our paths and help keep us on the road to success, and we’ll do our best to make you proud.

Happy Father’s Day!

  • I am in awe of your post Celebrating Fathers. I am so impressed with your post. I know first hand you bring much joy in your fathers life and you motivate him to be the best parent he can be. Love always

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